Sunday, 16 September 2012

♡ A Little Here, A Little There ♡


♪♫ I'm burning dddooowwwnnn tonight ♪♫

I did have an idea of rolling two blog posts into one but once looking at the insane amount of pictures I have for both days, it is better that I didn't! So in advance I do apologise for the amount of pictures that shall be included here 。゚(゚ノД`゚)゚。

Friday 14th August: today, Sapphire and I only went into Telford town centre as we needed some food because we had basically eaten everything edible. First off we mooched into Primark as I was in desperate need of some new (and cheap) clothes, and for once Primark actually had some decent clothing and I spent way over my limit than I intended to (。┰ω┰。) 

My mass haul of clothes included; five t-shirts, a cardigan, a pair of leggings, new shoes for work and some accesories.

Again, I was super pleased with what I bought but my favourite has to be the pink/black cardigan! It goes with pretty much anything and the pattern is something intriguing to me for sure. Normally I am not bothered with what I wear for clothing, but recently I have been wearing the same thing over and over again; especially for work ヾ(´A`)ノ゚ and it's becoming boring and tedious. So the fact I have these new items, well they excite me and make me happy to try new things ( ´∀`)

We must have been in Primark over an hour at this point, so we then made a quick stop off to Costa for a drink and I decided to get the latest caramella latte drink that they are offering and it wasn't as sweet as I thought it would be, but it would nice! 

Another hour was spent here because the atmosphere is Costa is really relaxed and welcoming. Also the seats we had were really comfortable (◡‿◡✿) After our coffee hits, we finally went to Asda to buy the food we needed... which in retrospective didn't turn out how we planned either (_ _ll) curse you Asda for having Hello Kitty and Disney foods that made us both die inside and buy it to consume:

On Friday evening, we had planned to go over the Jade's house for a sleepover but it kind of didn't happen but we did still go round her house and the girls tried to make me watch the Kuroshitsuji musical and because it was being skipped along to the songs... I didn't really follow / understand it and so I begged Jade to turn it off at this point because... well... IT WAS SCARING ME 。・゚゚・(>д<;)・゚゚・。 I think I need to lock myself away in my room and watch all of it from the beginning for me to like and understand it... mind you the actor who plays Sebastian is extremely hot and oh point I should make - you should never leave me alone for more than five minutes, especially with a bag of sweets with a perverted snake on the front:

That was basically our Friday and even though it seemed relaxed, we were actually rushing around like headless chickens at certain points but it was a fun day.

Peace Out

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