Monday, 24 December 2012

♡ Etude House Princess Etoinette Collection ♡

I know I am probably behind in finding out about this collection but I am seriously screaming in happiness at the latest collection by Etude House. I adore the whole pink princess theme and it certainly appeals to someone who enjoys this sort of stuff on a day to day basis.

The fact is that this collection doesn't stop at just make-up such as blusher, lipstick, highlighter and eyeliner etc. It incorporates other items such as bath bombs, make-up brushes, make-up cases and candles which I feel makes a great change so you can have other things to make you feel like a Princess everyday that is not just make-up.

I like how with the make-up, they show all the colour systems that they have included as well as give you ideas on what you can do with your make-up style. Aish it is certainly very hard to decide which one I like the best!

Ahhh I honestly want the whole collection! And luckily I've found a site that ships this collection abroad so I am pretty chuffed that I can access this collection via somewhere else and not having to pine exceedingly at their online store!
Buy here and look here for Etude House homepage

Please note that all pictures displayed here are from the Etude House homepage and are NOT my own work. Thank you!
Thanks for reading!

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