Sunday, 7 September 2014

♡ Holika Holika Miracle Real Skin Finish (Combination/Dry Skin) ♡


I think I have come out of my little slump... kind of. If you follow me on twitter you might understand why I have been in a blogging slump recently but I am going to slowly ease myself back into blogging instead of diving head first into a crazed, make-up whirlwind. Sometimes, slow and steady really is the best pace.
So today's post is about a product I was extremely confused about when I first received and still am, to this day, slightly confused over it. At first, I believed that it was a face cream hence the purchasing but upon arrival (and some reading online about it) I have now come to believe that it is face, like a CC cream slash primer... cream... thing. Out of the two versions you could choose from - normal skin (pink) and combination/dry skin (purple) -  I went with the combination/dry skin version, as that is my skin type at the end of the day.
The packaging for this product is super pretty though. I love the butterfly on top of the outer box and with the fact that you can pull the wings up to create a 3D effect, gives it a whole new edge. The packaging containing the cream is a pretty basic plastic container, but when you want to carry it around with you it's pretty sturdy and won't break easily. Also the lid has a pretty pattern around the edge of it as well as Holika Holika's signature butterfly crest.
After working out that this product wasn't, in fact, a face cream I did notice differences with my skin after application. It helped tone down the redness in my cheeks as well as make my skin tone look even and dewy as well as moisturised it instead of drying it out like some primers can do. One of the major pros about this cream for me, was the fact I could just use it alone without putting BB cream over the top of it. It helps for work as I tend not to have time to create a whole made up face in less than ten minutes and working with children, well they tend not to care about appearances so recently I've slacked. It, luckily, hasn't affected my skin but some days I just felt so dull but after applying the cream I honestly felt a little bit like my old self again, it sounds crazy I know.
The mixture is a little thick so you have to be careful not to apply too much to your face(as a little does go a long way) but otherwise you're left feeling like you've got a film of... well grease I suppose on your skin and that is such a nasty feeling just blurgh! It also looks a little weird when you first apply it but it does adjust to your skin tone/colouring etc, trust me. 

↑↑ not a watery mixture yet not overly thick like a clay mask
↑↑ actually makes your skin look more dewy/bright
↑↑ whitening effect
↑↑ sun screen for protection for when you want to go out
↑↑ can use on its own or as a primer/CC cream with other make-up
↑↑ pretty packaging

↑↑needs more product/bigger pot for price
↑↑ unhygienic conditions as it's not a pump pot

Overall Verdict; ★
I like this product more now that understand what it is actually for. I enjoy how I can quickly make myself go from a minus fifty to a decent three slash four in 0.5 seconds. I also like how moisturising the product actually is as well as how it makes my skin glow - in a non-weird way. I would, quite gladly, repurchase this item again as well as tell others about it as it is definitely my cup of tea. I think this little pot of cream is going to become one of my holy grail products over time... Also I will get some actual pictures of me wearing this product in the near future, I promise!
Thanks for reading!


  1. I've had this on my wishlist for ages and thought it was a face cream too! Still sounds really nice though :)

  2. @Shell; it is really nice! I must admit I did feel extremely silly wondering why it wasn't /disappearing/ like other face creams until I noticed the colour change on my skin XD oops!

  3. I was a little confused what this product was for the longest time but after reading your review I understand! ^ - ^
